Professional practitioner that offers one to one learning. Working in partnership with Local schools and multi-agencies.
Mobile: 07572 425 393
Normal hours of work - 8am - 7pm
Work place childcare vouchers (check with your place of work), HM Government Tax-Free Childcare scheme or bank transfers/standing orders. No cheques please!
Look after children from 6 months to all school ages.
15 hours per week free government funding extra hours on top £6 per hour
charge between £7 per hour for part time
Same for the free 30 hours for 3 & 4 year olds for working parents extra hours on top £6 per hour.
All children doing free government 15 hours per week parents will need to provide them with a healthy pack lunch.
All children doing free government 30 hours per week parents will need to provide them with a healthy pack lunch, snacks will be provided at my setting or a hot meal for longer hours.
Full time private £50 per day min 3 days
After school pick ups £7.50 per hour includes hot meals per day.
Unsocial hours After 6pm £10
Sickness (childminder) No fee
Sickness (child/parent) Full fee
Childminder's holiday Full fee - For private customers 4 weeks holiday take at the same time as parents.
Parent's holiday Full fee
Parent's occasional days off Full fee
Bank Holidays (not worked) No fee
Bank Holidays (if worked) Double fee
Late Payment fee £5 Per day until full debt paid off
Unauthorised overtime Rate £5 per 10 mins
School inset days Full payment
Deposit to secure a placement two week's non refundable deposit - used for childcare fees.